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The Nevada P-20 to Workforce Research Data System (NPWR) is a powerful research tool that is helping to provide data-driven policy solutions to build Nevada’s future. NPWR equips researchers and policymakers across the State of Nevada with the ability to utilize and analyze data to measure performance metrics and outcomes in policy spaces such as education, workforce development, economic diversification, and so much more in a safe and secure environment.
By fostering data-driven decision-making, NPWR provides insight into the trends and forces that are shaping top policy issues in Nevada such as diversifying Nevada's workforce, increasing the talent pipeline, and improving educational outcomes for Nevada's students.
Learn more about how NPWR is helping Nevadans
View the first NPWR Strategic Plan.
The Office of Workforce Innovation (OWINN) is building a Nevada that works for everyone. The OWINN team is focused on strengthening Nevada's workforce development system through creating a skilled, diverse, and aligned workforce in the State of Nevada by promoting cooperation and collaboration among public and private sector partnerships.
OWINN is responsible for maintaining and overseeing the Nevada P-20 to Workforce Research Data System (NPWR) and manages the NPWR Advisory Committee per NRS Chapter 400.
For questions about NPWR please feel free to contact the Research and Analysis Bureau by calling 775-684-0378 or emailing j-miller@detr.nv.gov